What's the meaning of passive? Discover the definition and examples of passive voice in English grammar. Learn how to identify and use it correctly!
Passive is a term that is often used in various contexts, from grammar to investing. But what does it really mean? Essentially, passive refers to something that is inactive or not actively participating in a particular process. It's the opposite of being active, which implies involvement, engagement, and movement. However, the meaning of passive can be more complex and nuanced, depending on the context in which it's used. Let's take a closer look at some of the different meanings and implications of passive.
Firstly, when it comes to grammar, passive is a grammatical voice that emphasizes the object of an action rather than the subject. For example, The cake was baked by Mary is a passive sentence, whereas Mary baked the cake is an active sentence. The passive voice is often used to shift the focus away from the doer of the action and onto the thing that is affected by the action. This can create a more formal or objective tone in writing.
Secondly, in investing, passive refers to a strategy of investing in a diversified portfolio of assets that track a market index, rather than trying to beat the market by selecting individual stocks or making frequent trades. This approach is often associated with low fees, minimal risk, and long-term growth. By taking a passive approach to investing, you're essentially letting the market do the work for you and avoiding the pitfalls of trying to time the market or pick winners and losers.
Overall, the meaning of passive can vary depending on the context, but it generally implies a lack of activity, involvement, or control. Whether you're talking about grammar or investing, understanding the nuances of passive can help you communicate more effectively and make informed decisions.
The Basics of Passive Voice
Passive voice is a grammatical term that describes a type of sentence construction where the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb instead of performing it. In other words, the subject is passive and not active. For example, The ball was thrown by John is a passive sentence because it emphasizes the ball receiving the action of being thrown rather than John performing the action.
Why Use Passive Voice?
There are several reasons why writers use passive voice. One reason is to shift the focus of the sentence to the object or receiver of the action. For example, The cake was eaten by my sister shifts the focus from my sister to the cake. Another reason is to avoid assigning blame or responsibility. For instance, Mistakes were made is a common way of avoiding blame by not specifying who made the mistakes.
How to Identify Passive Voice
Passive voice can be identified by looking for the use of a form of the verb to be plus a past participle. For example, was thrown, is eaten, and will be written are all examples of passive voice. Another way to identify passive voice is by looking for the absence of an active verb that specifies who or what is performing the action.
The Effect of Passive Voice on Writing
Using passive voice can have different effects on writing depending on the context and purpose of the text. In some cases, it can make the writing sound more formal, objective, or impersonal. However, in other cases, it can make the writing sound vague, weak, or confusing, especially when used excessively or inappropriately.
Examples of Passive Voice in Different Contexts
Passive voice can be found in various types of texts and genres, including academic, scientific, journalistic, and literary writing. Here are some examples:
Academic Writing
The hypothesis was tested by conducting experiments with different variables.
Scientific Writing
The data were collected from multiple sources and analyzed using statistical software.
Journalistic Writing
The suspect was arrested by the police after a high-speed chase on the highway.
Literary Writing
The house was haunted by ghosts that only the children could see.
How to Improve Writing by Avoiding Passive Voice
Although passive voice is sometimes necessary or appropriate, writers can improve their writing by using active voice more often. Active voice makes the writing more direct, concise, and engaging by putting the subject at the beginning of the sentence and making it perform the action. For example, John threw the ball is more active than The ball was thrown by John.
Passive voice is a grammatical tool that can be used to shift the focus of the sentence, avoid assigning blame, or sound more formal. However, it can also make the writing sound vague, weak, or confusing if used excessively or inappropriately. By identifying passive voice, writers can improve their writing by using active voice more often, which makes the writing more direct, concise, and engaging.
In the English language, there are two types of voices that can be used in a sentence: active and passive. In this article, we will focus on the meaning of passive voice, how it is used, and some common examples.Definition
Passive voice is a grammatical structure where the subject of the sentence receives the action, rather than performing the action. This means that the focus is on the object or action, rather than the subject.Examples
Here's an example of a sentence written in passive voice: The cake was baked by Sarah. In this sentence, the cake is the subject receiving the action of being baked by Sarah.Active vs Passive
In contrast to passive voice, active voice has the subject performing the action. For example, Sarah baked the cake is a sentence written in active voice.Usage
Passive voice is often used when the focus of the sentence is on the object or the action, rather than the subject. It can also be used to avoid placing blame or responsibility on someone. For example, Mistakes were made is a common phrase used to avoid directly blaming anyone for a mistake.Clarity
While passive voice can be useful in some situations, it can also make sentences more confusing or unclear. This is because the subject is not clearly identified as the one performing the action. As a result, it can be difficult for the reader to understand who is doing what in the sentence.Common Passive Verbs
Some common verbs used in passive voice include is/am/are/were/was and has/have/had been. For example, The report has been reviewed is a sentence written in passive voice.Importance of Active Voice
In many cases, using active voice can make sentences clearer and more concise. Active voice also adds more energy and engagement to writing, which can help keep the reader interested.Considerations
When deciding whether to use passive or active voice, consider the goals and focus of the sentence, as well as the tone and style of the writing. If the focus is on the action or object, passive voice may be appropriate. However, if the focus is on the subject performing the action, active voice may be a better choice.Conclusion
While passive voice has its uses, active voice is often preferred for clearer and more engaging writing. By understanding the differences between the two voices and when to use each one, writers can create more effective and impactful sentences.Point of View:
As an AI language model, my point of view about the meaning of passive is that it refers to a grammatical structure in which the subject of a sentence is acted upon by the verb. In other words, the focus is on what happens to the subject rather than who performs the action.Pros of passive voice:
- Emphasis on the receiver of the action: Passive voice can highlight the importance of the receiver of the action, which can be useful in certain contexts such as scientific writing or legal documents.
- Less emphasis on the doer of the action: In some situations, using passive voice can reduce the importance attributed to the doer of the action, which can be helpful when discussing sensitive, controversial, or negative topics.
- Alternative sentence structure: Passive voice offers an alternative sentence structure that can help vary the flow and rhythm of a piece of writing, making it more interesting and engaging to read.
Cons of passive voice:
- Lack of clarity: Passive voice can sometimes lead to ambiguity or confusion about who performed the action, which can hinder understanding and communication.
- Wordiness: Passive voice often requires more words to convey the same message as active voice, which can make writing longer and less concise.
- Reduced impact: Passive voice can also weaken the impact of a sentence, as it may sound less direct and assertive than active voice.
People also ask: What's the meaning of passive?
What does passive mean in grammar?
In grammar, passive is a voice used to describe the action performed on the subject rather than the subject performing the action. In other words, the focus is on what is being done to the subject rather than who is doing it.
What is an example of passive voice?
An example of passive voice is The cake was eaten by John. The subject (cake) receives the action (eaten) and the performer of the action (John) is mentioned after the verb.
Why is passive voice important?
Passive voice can be important in certain situations, such as when the performer of the action is unknown or unimportant, or when the focus should be on the receiving end of the action. It can also be used to avoid placing blame or responsibility on a specific person.
Is passive voice bad?
Passive voice is not inherently bad, but it can be overused and make writing dull or unclear. It is generally recommended to use active voice when possible, as it is more direct and engaging for the reader.
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